Saturday, 26 June 2010

Oh Fudge

Due to the lack of space and the horrible heat and humidity (plus the fact it's taken me ages to get sushi boxes - they arrive next week) I've decided to experiment with fudge.
Quite a few failures but among them one success (yey!).
Today so far I've managed to make caramel and greasy fudge(not yey!) and am having a brief break before I soldier on, heartened by the successful dark chocolate fudge I made yesterday. Although not heartened by the 2kilos of fudge frosting I made the day before :(
I will report later....

Well, this is later.
One lot in the bin, and two vanilla caramels.
Not a roaring success.

Have made a chocolate mousse and ice cream to console myself.

Will continue tomorrow.

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