Saturday 15 May 2010

Newtons Apple

It's been a funny sort of day. Not a chocolate making day. Would have been nice and peaceful without the Santha noise in the background except that The Empress spent most of the day complaining vociferously about how we are rubbish servants and her needs were not being met in a satisfactory manner.

The dark chocolate that I took out yesterday is nice but a little thin tasting so have desided it will be great for dipping truffles etc but not eating.
Sooo back to the drawing board on that one.

I took the opportunity of not making chocolate to make a Swiss apple tart that I have been promising Mother I would make for a while now (no cooking or oven based stuff allowed when chocolate is being made).
It came out really good. I would post a picture but after I took it out of the oven I dropped it, then we ate what I could salvage. Ho hum.

With the spare bits of pastry I made pinwheel biscuits with pecan nuts (from the garden) and some of yesterdays dark chocolate. They came out ok but not sweet enough so I sandwiched them with dulche de leche.

So Husband wouldn't feel left out (he can't eat gluten or most carbs) I made fancy shmancy baked apples (filled them with dried fruit, nuts, honey and cinammon then poured a honey syrup over them).
All without sugar of course.

Just made a virgin pina colada and it is cooling in the freezer, Ill give it a whisk every so often until it's thickened a bit.
Well it was a virgin colada until it got shtupped by some malibu.
Could't resist.

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