Saturday 22 May 2010


What a day. I'm knackered.

Apart from Mummy and Housewife duties I also managed some cooking and baking but most importantly I decided Today is the day to make a pecan nut paste to be made into Gianduja (for those of you who don't know what this is, it is traditionally made from hazelnut paste mixed with chocolate and tempered, yummy in the extreme).
The reason I'm doing pecan is because I have nearly 8 kilos of pecans from our 4 pecan trees, the fridge and freezer are full of them and I can't take it any more.

Gianduja is one of my favorite things, it is usually (but not always) made from a ready paste of caramelised hazelnuts and while heavenly is of course full of sugar which is why I decided to make my own.
The small trial batch was fantastic, I was so happy and had to stop myself from eating it all with a spoon.
Was just getting ready to make a big batch when The Husband asked if the nuts are supposed to be green and furry.
Oh, um, no, gah, spit, spit.
Sooo, in the bin that batch went, and the nuts. It's most annoying because they were in the fridge and wern't supposed to go green and furry so quickly.
It also annoyed me that I'd just eaten a lot of manky nuts, despite the fact they tasted great.
Onwards and upwards.
Dug some (non furry) nuts out of the freezer and have got a 3 kilo batch in the Santha.
What a trial to get it there though. The kitchen looks like a bomb has hit it, I nearly broke the Santha when I dropped the blade from the small food processor it it, I burned myself, cut myself, dropped about half a kilo of expensive ingredients on the floor and have got nuts everywhere (this mainly due to the fact I had the Santha going without the lid).
The flavour is good but it needs to be smoother, havn't got a clue how many hours it'll need to be in the machine.

The really weird thing though, the mouldy batch tasted a lot better :(